To cherish the memory of heroic martyrs, carry forward their revolutionary spirit, and promote cultural and ethical progress, on April 5, 2019, the Faculty of Management Engineering had a memorial service entitled "Remembering the Heroic Martyrs and Carrying Forward the Revolutionary Spirit" at Huai’an Martyrs Cemetery.

At 9:30 in the morning, led by teachers, our students visited the memorial hall and mausoleum for revolutionary martyrs in an orderly way. They bowed their heads before the monument and observed a moment of silence to express their grief for the martyrs. After laying wreaths in reverence for the martyrs, the students read a eulogy to express their heavy feelings as a mark of remembrance and respect. We did not experience the war years, but we deeply realized that today's happy life was paid with martyrs' lives. In the end, all the students took an oath in front of the monument.

This memorial service not only made the students of the Faculty of Management Engineering know the heroes, remember the history and cherish the memory of the eventful years but also strengthened their faith and determination to follow the Communist Party of China.

Author: Dong Xue Editor: Huang Changyu Proofreader: Sun Qianna