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Message from the president

Welcome to the Huaiyin Institute of Technology (HYIT) 

Established in 1958, HYIT is a multi-disciplinary engineering institute under Jiangsu Provincial Department of Education. It is located in Huai'an, a renowned national historical and cultural city in the northern plain of Jiangsu Province. It's the birthplace of Zhou Enlai, the first premier of the People's Republic of China.

HYIT has three campuses—Meicheng Road Campus, Beijing Road Campus and Xiaohu Campus—covering an area of approximately 2560 mu (about 170 hectares). HYIT consists of 20 faculties and colleges, offering bachelor or master degree in 66 programs. There are more than 21,000 registered regular students and approximately 200 overseas students studying for bachelor degree or master degree. HYIT has more than 1,300 faculty members, including more than 560 professors and associate professors, 540 doctoral degree holders, over 200 postgraduate supervisors, 84 enterprise mentors, five experts enjoying Special Government Allowance of the State Council, 4 experts in Yangtze Scholars, Thousand Talents Program and Ten Thousand experts plan, and more than 90 currently hired talents in the National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars, and more than 200 top scientists of the provincial “333 Project” “Blue Project” and “6 Talent Peaks Project”. HYIT actively promotes the academic internationalization and has been enhancing cooperation with more than 40 overseas universities in the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, France, Japan, Australia, India, Singapore, Korea, etc.

HYIT strives to provide the first class facilities and conditions for teaching, learning, experiment and research. For a long time, HYIT has been adhering to quality education and focusing on the cultivation of students' creative and comprehensive abilities. Many of the graduates have become the backbones in every walk of life and made great contributions to the development of the society.

Whether you desire to receive high-quality education in mechanical engineering, to gain cutting-edge knowledge of computer science and engineering, or to pursue specialized academic training in business, life science and chemical engineering, transportation engineering, or the artistic design, HYIT will offer you opportunities to grow and to develop your leadership potential.

We kindly invite you to join one of Jiangsu's fastest-growing institutions of higher learning, which is known for developing career-minded professionals who understand their own world and want to serve as community leaders, engineers with strong practical skills, and service-oriented professionals. We hope you'll make this the place in which to distinguish yourself.



Chang Lv
Secretary of Party Committee
Zheng Feng

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